Imagine that Spirit gave each of us a book; let’s call it our personal life book. This Infinite Wisdom supplies us with pen, prayer, thanksgiving and the gift of choice to author our individual life story. As AUTHOR, we have the ability to create a life filled with abundance, creativity, humor, integrity, joy, understanding, physical well being and wisdom.
Know that the trials and tribulations of our lives, are not for unhappiness, but for the Soul growth we requested before incarnating. We have little personal power apart from conscious immersion in the ocean of Divine Presence, which is a choice for peace, joy and the capacity to calmly navigate through any storm that may appear. Many of us suffer from a lack of connection to Spirit, disconnected from our path, feeling alone, stuck in our current circumstances. Our lives have developed into a soap opera with outdated beliefs. We need help to revise and delete what no longer serves us.
The Body is the vehicle for the Soul, and Mind, to learn and realize itself. The Soul is the all knowing, eternal essence of Divine Energy. Claudia will help you to integrate these themes into your daily life and learn to create meaning from the circumstances before you. We are here to create our lives and become reacquainted with ourselves, THE AUTHOR, realizing just how important we are to the world.